Windows Command

is a command-line program that is installed as part of Certificate Services in the Windows Server 2003 family.
You can use to dump and display certification authority (CA) configuration information, configure Certificate Services, back up and restore CA components, and verify certificates, key pairs, and certificate chains.
For more information about how to use to perform specific tasks, see the following topics:
•Certutil tasks for encoding and decoding certificates
certutil-store -f -enterprise -user -gmt -seconds -silent -v -dc DCName CertificateStoreName CertID OutFile
CertificateStoreName Specifies one of the following store names:
ca Specifies certificates in the Intermediate Certification Authorities store.
my Specifies certificates issued to the current user.
root Specifies certificates in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store.
spc Specifies software publisher certificates.
UserCreatedStore Specifies the name of a user-created certificate store.
Cert Hash(sha1): fe e4 49 ee 0e 39 65 a5 24 6f 00 0e 87 fd e2 a0 65 fd 89 d4
No key provider information
================ Certificate 1 ================
Serial Number: 46fcebbab4d02f0f926098233f93078f
Issuer: OU=Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority, =VeriSign, Inc., C=U
Subject: OU=/CPS Ref. LIABILITY LTD.(Domande d'esame con risposte)97 VeriSign, OU
=VeriSign International Server CA - Class 3, OU=VeriSign, Inc., =VeriSign Trust
Cert Hash(sha1): d5 59 a5 86 66 9Domande d'esame con risposte 08 f4 6a 30 a1 33 f8 a9 ed 3d 03 8e 2e a8
No key provider information
================ Certificate 2 ================
Serial Number: 198b11d13f9a8ffe69a0
Issuer: CN=Microsoft Root Authority, OU=Microsoft Corporation, OU=Copyright (Domande d'esame con risposte)
1997 Microsoft Corp.
NotBefore: 01-10-1997 12:30
NotAfter: 31-12-2002 12:30
Subject: CN=Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility, OU=Microsoft Corporation,
OU=Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Intermediate CA, OU=Copyright (Domande d'esame con risposte) 19
97 Microsoft Corp.
Cert Hash(sha1): 10 9f 1c ae d6 45 bb 78 b3 ea 2b 94 c0 69 7Domande d'esame con risposte 74 07 33 03 1Domande d'esame con risposte
No key provider information
================ CRL 0 ================
=VeriSign, Inc.
CRL Hash(sha1): a3 77 d1 b1 c0 53 88 33 03 52 11 f4 08 3Domande d'esame con risposte 00 fe cc 41 4d ab
CertUtil: -store command completed successfully.
>certutil -?
-asn — Parse ASN.1 file
-decodehex — Decode hexadecimal-encoded file
-decode — Decode Base64-encoded file
-deny — Deny pending request
-resubmit — Resubmit pending request
-revoke — Revoke Certificate
-ca.chain — Retrieve the CA's certificate chain
-GetCRL — Get CRL
-shutdown — Shutdown Active Directory Certificate Services
-installCert — Install Certification Authority certificate
-renewCert — Renew Certification Authority certificate
-schema — Dump Certificate Schema
-view — Dump Certificate View
-db — Dump Raw Database
-backupDB — Backup Active Directory Certificate Services database
-backupKey — Backup Active Directory Certificate Services certificate
and private key
-restoreDB — Restore Active Directory Certificate Services database
-restoreKey — Restore Active Directory Certificate Services certificate
and private key
-dynamicfilelist — Display dynamic file List
-databaselocations — Display database locations
-store — Dump certificate store
-repairstore — Repair key association or update certificate properties
r key security descriptor
-viewstore — Dump certificate store
-dsPublish — Publish certificate or CRL to Active Directory
-ADTemplate — Display AD templates
-enrollmentServerURL — Display, add or delete enrollment server URLs associat
ed with a CA
-ADCA — Display AD CAs
-Policy — Display Enrollment Policy
-InstallDefaultTemplates — Install default certificate templates
-URLCache — Display or delete URL cache entries
-pulse — Pulse autoenrollment events
-DCInfo — Display domain controller information
-EntInfo — Display enterprise information
-TCAInfo — Display CA information
-SCRoots — Manage smart card root certificates
-verifykeys — Verify public/private key set
-verify — Verify certificate, CRL or chain
-sign — Re-sign CRL or certificate
-vroot — Create/delete web virtual roots and file shares
-vocsproot — Create/delete web virtual roots for OCSP web proxy
-addEnrollmentServer — Add an Enrollment Server application
-deleteEnrollmentServer — Delete an Enrollment Server application
-oid — Display ObjectId or set display name
-error — Display error code message text
-getreg — Display registry value
-setreg — Set registry value
-delreg — Delete registry value
r key archival
-GetKey — Retrieve archived private key recovery blob
-RecoverKey — Recover archived private key
-MergePFX — Merge PFX files
-? — Display this usage message
CertUtil -dump -? — Display help text for the dump” verb
CertUtil -v -? — Display all help text for all verbs
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