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Pre-orders now available for book on yoga, psychedelics and enlightenment by John Doe
Pre-orders now available for book on yoga, psychedelics and enlightenment by JOHN DOE
Tipps zum Beheben des OST-Synchronisierungsfehlers 8004011D: 02/10/2016
Tipps zum Beheben des OST-Synchronisierungsfehlers 8004011D: 216
Teacher and author Allowah Lani has announced pre-orders are now available for his book, Who Am I? Yoga, Psychedelics and the Quest for Enlightenment.” The book, which Lani has been working on for more than eight years is the product of research and in-depth interviews, and examines the interplay between psychedelic substances and yoga.
I've been writing my whole life, and I was looking for a subject that I would feel so passionate about that I could not NOT write a book about it,” Lani said. This subject is just that for me—it was just too juicy to not dive into wholeheartedly.”
Lani said that as he was growing up, even before he discovered yoga, he was interested in rock n' roll, especially the music of the 1960s that was heavily influenced by psychedelic substances such as LSD. As he looked into the time period more, he found that there was a shift later in the decade toward mysticism, meditation and yoga, as exemplified both by Ram Das' book Be Here Now” and The Beatles' turn away from LSD and toward Transcendental Meditation, which they learned in India from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
The book opens the door on a debate and discussion that will be with us for a long time yet,” Lani said. And I do feel that it will bring readers that much closer to an answer to the universal question that lies at the heart of our collective spiritual quest: Who Am I?”
The book has drawn praise from early readers, including Anne Dillon, an author and editor at Rochester, Vermont-based published Inner Traditions Bear & Company.
The book deals with an important topic on the history of yoga and is a very engrossing read and a very unique book,” Dillon wrote. In exploring its topic areas with the author, we feel as if we are falling down the rabbit hole hand-in-hand with him. He treats his exploration with the intellectual honesty, respect, and open-mindedness it deserves and the reader is drawn into the narrative by the lucidity of his prose and by his ever-expanding exploration of this fascinating area of study.”
Lani graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with bachelor's and master's degrees in philosophy and religious studies. He started a Ph.D. in comparative mysticism at New York University, but realized that academia was not the path he wanted to follow.
He has spent hundreds of hours learning and practicing various types of yoga, including Iyengar Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Dharma Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Partner Yoga and AcroYoga.
More information about Lani and Who Am I? Yoga, Psychedelics and the Quest for Enlightenment.” Is available at: /projects/753307990/pre-order-my-new-book-who-am-i and
Phone: (239) 592-0898
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